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TMF Magazine: Volume LXXVI, No. 2 Spring-Summer 2007 VOLUME LXXVI SPRING-SUMMER 2007 A good place to get started would be the local hospital. It's good to know what needs to be done to become a qualified medical person in any particular kind of medical area. Because if you're going to be a dental assistant you have to know all about dentistry. So take time at the hospital, read books, go to your local medical library, take some courses, take some seminars, and hopefully in a few years you'll be an RN or whatever. Anybody who is working in a medical field should take time to educate themselves in all aspects of it. The education should be an ongoing thing. You shouldn't just wake up one day, and decide to become a nurse, and then figure out how to become a nurse, and then go to college, and then hope you'll be a nurse. You should have a plan. You should set goals and work on your goals. And at the end of each year, you should have goals for the next year. Goals like "I'm going to become a medical person." "I'm going to be a nurse." "I'm going to be a dental assistant." And you can go in that direction, or you can go in another direction. If you're going to be a medical person, and maybe this is a hard thing for people to believe, you can be a medical person in the field that you want to be in, and you can go into other fields as well. So if you decide to be a dentist, maybe you'll also decide to be an emergency medical person or a dental assistant or a medical technician or a medical secretary, or maybe you'll be a dental hygienist. So that's something to think about. You don't have to think of this only as an immediate future job. You can also think about this as, "Maybe I want to be a physician," or "Maybe I want to be a surgeon." You can look around and see what kind of things these medical people do and see if that's what you want to do. If you can read the right books and do the right research, that will tell you a lot. But no matter where you are, you should always try to go where you want to go, and have an understanding of where you want to go, because if you have a plan you'll be a lot more successful

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